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CSF Bylaws

CSF Academic Honesty Bylaw:  Students who violate Vista del Lago’s Academic Honesty Agreement as documented by VdL Administration will be dropped from CSF membership for the term in which the violation occurs. Should a second violation occur students will be ineligible for life-time membership benefits and will be ineligible to apply in future terms.

CSF Active Membership Bylaw:  Vista del Lago High School defines CSF Active Membership as a student who meets the following criteria:

  • Attends 75% of the meetings
  • Completes 10 hours of pre-approved community service hours by the required date (to be determined at the beginning of each school year)
  • Qualify for membership during both terms (with the exception of freshman who only need to be a member during the Spring)
  • Participate as a tutor in one of the CSF midterm/final exam tutoring sessions