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About Vista Dances


Please read the Vista Dance Policy and Dress Code HERE.

Students with outstanding debts or fines will not be allowed to purchase dance tickets.

Students must attend school the day of the dance, or if the dance is on Saturday, the day before the dance in order to attend dances. Any exceptions must be reviewed by the principal or designee prior to the dance.


Guest Bids are for HOMECOMING, SADIE'S, Jr. Prom and Senior Ball.  Completed guest bids should be submitted to the Student Accounts office for approval before tickets can be purchased.  No guest over the age of 20 or student below the ninth grade will be admitted.

 Click Here for the guest bid form.  

All students, including guests, must present a photo ID to enter the dance.  Any student arriving an hour or later after the dance has begun will be denied entrance. 

All students are subject to random breathalyzer tests and searches.


See the dress code contract for standards for semi-formal and formal dances. If you are unsure if your attire meets these dress standards, please check with the Principal or Assistant Principals prior to the day of the event. Students not meeting these standards will not be allowed into event until they comply.