Student Athletic Forms
Student Athletic Forms:
Due to Covid-19 we are asking families to upload their physical and emergency contact form to their students athletic clearance account. Contact your coach if you are not able to upload your forms.
Transportation Information:
Parents can select from the following option for transporting student-athletes to athletic event/s:
1. Parent drives their child to the event.
For all District-sponsored events, self-transportation or transportation provided by parents/guardians (or other adults authorized in writing by a parent or guardian) is permitted only when the driver of the vehicle has filed required transportation forms with the school office. Coaches/Supervisors are prohibited from releasing a student to self-transport or obtain transportation from a parent, guardian or other adult absent pre-Activity compliance with this requirement. No student may ride in a vehicle driven by another student, whether or not an adult is present in the vehicle. Students transported in an alternate manner fully assume the risk of harm of such transportation; the District assumes no liability or obligation associated with such methods of travel.
2. Since buses are not available for an off-campus game/event, a coach/advisor may make arrangements for parent/guardian drivers. Parent/guardian drivers must be a cleared Category 2 Volunteer and have a Volunteer Personal Auto Use Form on file. See the Volunteer Category 2 Requirements on the school’s website or contact school office for more information.
3. Only under certain circumstances will approval be granted for a student to drive their own vehicle to and/or from a game/event. The coach/advisor must receive advance notice from the parent/guardian of this request. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the administration. All applicable forms must be completed and on file prior to the game/event including, an Alternate Student Transportation Form (signed by parent/guardian, student, and coach/advisor), and a Student Personal Auto Use Form (signed by parents/guardians and student). IMPORTANT- No additional students are permitted to ride in the vehicle.
All FCUSD Transportation Forms and information can also be found here on the districts site.