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Winter Sports

Boy's Soccer Tryouts

November 4th-7th from 6-8pm

Clink this link to register:

Vista Del Lago Boy’s Soccer Tryout Registration Link

Girl's Soccer Tryouts

November 4th

Frosh/Soph 4-5:30pm

November 5th

Juniors and Seniors 4-6pm

November 6th-November 7th

All Levels 4-6pm

Click this link to register:

Girls Soccer Tryouts Registration Form 2024-25​ ​​​

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Boy's Basketball Tryouts

November 4th

Varsity: 7-9pm (AUX Gym)

JV: 7-9:00pm (Main Gym)

Freshman: 7:00-9:00pm (Main Gym)

November 5th

Varsity: 7-9pm (AUX Gym)

JV: 7:30-9:30pm (Main Gym)

Freshman: 7:30-9:30pm (Main Gym)

November 6th

Varsity: 4-6pm (AUX Gym)

JV: 6-7:45pm (AUX Gym)

Freshman: 7:45-9:30pm (AUX Gym)

Girl's Basketball Tryouts

November 4th and 5th

Freshman and JV: 4-5:30pm (AUX Gym)

Varsity: 5:30-7:00pm (AUX Gym)

November 6th

Freshman and JV: 6-7:30pm (Main Gym)

Varsity: 7:30-9:00pm (Main Gym)


Practice Times:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays: 4-6:00pm

Thursdays: 3-6:00pm