Raley s Bel Air and Nob Hill
Give Something Extra to Our Campus
Sign-Up for Raley’s “Quality of Life” or (Q card,) and a portion of your purchases will be donated to our high school.
How to Participate: Log on to www.raleys.com/extracredit to create a Something Extra account. After that, just follow these directions, and Vista will start receiving funds.
1. Log in2. Click on the ‘Something Extra’ tab
3. Select ‘Extra Credit’ from the drop down menu
4. Click the green ‘Get Started’ button
5. Hit ‘Select Your Organizations’
6. Search for ‘Vista del Lago High’
7. Click on the selection
8. Choose the percentage of proceeds we will receive under ‘Manage Your Organizations’
9. Hit the green ‘Save Your Selections’ button
Already Have a Q card? Don’t worry; to add our school, just follow the numbered instructions above.
Why it matters: If 1000 families spend $500 a month on groceries, Raley’s will write us a check for $21,000 every quarter!
Want to do more? Encourage your family and friends in Northern California/Nevada to sign-up to help your school.